Packaging Equipment & Solutions Blog

Labeling the spirits

Last month a customer/supplier of printed digital labels contacted us for assistance on an application to apply labels to whiskey and vodka bottles for a start-up micro distillery.  Hand applying labels to the front and back of the bottle was a tedious and inconsistent process that was adding a significant amount of laber cost to their process. The volume was not enough to warrant an inline high speed application, due the batch size of each distilled spirit; also the bottle was taper styled glass container.

Packaging Solutions for Bottle Labeling

The solution was a table top label applicator, the Bottle-Matic II from Dispensa-Matic. This applicator is fully adjustable to handle both cylindrical and taper styled bottles and has the capability to apply one or two labels to the bottle. The production speed of the label applicator was more than enough to handle the filling and processing speed of the project and the customers requirements.

If you have a project that involves package labeling or labels, or need assistance with any packaging solution, please contact us at Packaging Equipment and Films Inc. at 317-773-8397.